Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Eliza's Lip Job

Last Friday, just as our two friends we had set up were arriving, Eliza split open her lip. Rob and I were both out of the room but later Eliza told us that she jumped from her feet to her bum on the couch and then went flying forward and hit her chin on the coffee table. After calling our expert brother Nate for advice we decided the cut (shown) should heal ok. So we decided to eat dinner. At the end of dinner Rob was concerned at how weird and swollen Eliza's chin looked so he looked more at Eliza's lip and found that she had a another cut right were the lip meets the jaw bone (like where you store chew, that is if you are a tobacco fan). It was more of a gaping cut so we called Nate again and he said he wanted to see it. So we ruined Nate's date night (sorry Des) and drove up to South Jordan.
After examining and discussing different options we decided we wanted to have Nate stitch it up. So we got Eliza mezmorized with a movie and then Nate gave her some laughing gas. I felt so bad because Eliza was just so scared you could tell. I could see that she was trying to be so brave but just at the verge of breaking into hysterical crying. She did pretty good just during the shots to numb her lip did she really scream and cry. She ended the event with some great kids prizes and a smile.
The next day her lip was so swollen. It looked like she had gotten a lip job and Rob thought it was so funny. He kept getting her to say that she had gotten a lip job to other people. Her stitches did not survive too long (I think they were bothering her and she bit some of them so much that they came out.) but it did seem to help with letting it heal closed. She still has one left on the bottom cut. Bost most importantly she is on some anti-biotics so that she won't get an infection. It was an adventurous night and I just thought wow am I glad to have brothers who are doctors.
Right after it happened, before we discovered the second cut.
Zoning out with laughing gas and the TV. Wearing her "elephant nose" and feeling a little nervous.Her "Princess Shoelaces" aka stitches
The finale of the lip job.
Doesn't it look extra pouty now?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Eliza is so brave!