Monday, August 10, 2009

Eliza's without training wheels

Last Sunday Rob took off Eliza's training wheels. She was so excited and has been wanting to do it for quite some time now. However, I think some of the excitement wore off pretty quickly after she realized how difficult it was (and painful). We kept encouraging her and told her not to give up. When we went out for the second session of bike training a couple of days later she was begging us to put the training wheels back on. We told her she could have them back on once she was able to ride really well without them (gambling that she wouldn't want them back on after this, hope I'm right). She started off a little unconfident and kept wrecking on purpose onto the grass. Then Rob told her she could get an ice cream cone if she rode to a certain destination (like a post or a garbage can). This gave her the motivation and after several tries she did it. She then had to go even further to get a dollar. She ended on a good note and was excited about doing it more. Her and Rob went out a third time but I wasn't there, but he said she did great. I am so proud of her for not giving up! It's a hard and painful thing to learn how to do. I'm sure Aunt Sarah can relate.


Desiree said...

Treats and moolah are great motivators! (We had to bribe Andy too.)

Diamonds Are Forever said...

Good job Eliza. Your a brave girl.

Anonymous said...

Yeah Eliza! Such a big girl now!