Sunday, June 6, 2010


Unbelievable...I feel like this little girl is the shining example of health, but as we left the hospital they said her bilirubin levels were high and they wanted to have her tested the next day. So after driving to the hospital 4 days in a row to have her little heel poked and the levels not going down, they decided she needed a bilibed. I was really surprised that this was the case since my milk had come in the day I got home from the hospital, she was eating great, and pooping like crazy. I felt like my other girls were much more jaundiced, especially Eliza, but I guess the tests don't lie. So we ordered a bilibed and biliblanket.
It was very conveniently delivered to my house (I'm grateful for that). And the other bit of good news was that she loved her little tanning bed! She slept like a log (I was going to say "baby" instead of "log" but she is a baby...funny) on it. We got her tested 2 more times and it looked like the bed was helping. So she got to get off the bed. One last heel prick on Thursday showed that her levels had gone up just a little but they thought that she was on her way to getting better. Mazie has been missing her tanning bed but I am happy that I can put cute girl clothes on her now instead of just a diaper.


Brandi said...

We are all ooohing and ahhhhing over this little precious her already!

Amy said...

Oh my goodness - can we have a more similar story. :) The same thing happened to Levi! He was under bili- lights for two days. I felt the same way - I wanted to put his cute clothes on him and be able to hold him whenever we wanted.

Nan and Aaron said...

I love that pic of Rob with his little girl. The biggest reason I want a little girl is to see my hubbie with her. Any tips??

Diamonds Are Forever said...

Wow, I remember when Morgan had to have a bilibed, but hers looked like a suitcase with a top and everything and I could only take her out to feed and change. It broke me heart and I would sit by her crib and just cry. Her color looks good now though, HAHA:)

J + A Humphreys said...

CONGRATS!!! She is sooooo cute and fat. :) 9 lbs?!?! Sheesh. I would say you had every right to be uncomfortable. So glad everything went smoothly with L&D and that she's getting over the jaundice. Love the name you picked. All those girls are just darling!