Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Mazie at 8 months

Mazie is turning into a little person now instead of a newborn. She sits up by herself now. She is eating solids. She has tried rice cereal, bananas, peas babyfood, peach babyfood, sweet potatoes baby food, Gerbers disolving stars, rice crackers for babies, cheerios from daddy (that she choked on), crackers from daddy (that she choked on), whip cream from daddy, pudding from daddy, and he even let her suck on some fries (he didn't want her to feel left out at McDonalds). I must admit I let her try frozen yoghurt though at about 5 months. She just looked liked she wanted it so bad. She is definitely not our first child; getting a little more 'lax with number 3.

One thing that makes Mazie seem so old is that she is babbling a lot now and it sound like a conversation. She has the tones correctly but no words. Sometimes in the car I'll think Libby is talking to me for a minute and look back and it will just be Mazie. She says dadadada a lot but just making the sound, not connecting it with dad.

She also definitely knows who mom is now and what mom does (pick her up all the time). If she is on the ground or in her saucer, she will see me walk by and start crying. But if she doesn't see me she is totally content. I think she is even starting to have attachment issues. I handed her to a friend today and she started crying, and staring at me. It was pretty cute the other day though when she was on the changing table and crying she even reached her arms out for me. Usually she just cries and gives me that look, but the arms reaching out made it so much sadder.

She continues to be in the move, she rolls all over the place to get where she wants to be. I think there might even be a few sneaky army crawls involved but I have yet to really catch her in the act.
She is quite the smiler still. I love when she laughs. She is very ticklish by her collar bone. Her new favorite thing is to always have that tongue hanging out, just a bit, and especially when she is happy and smiling.
She brings me so much happiness and continues to be a super mellow baby. My friend Michelle and all the mom's at Eliza's school are always saying she is just the best baby they have ever met, never crying, always content, and it is true she really is such a good baby.

(Libby was playing doctor and Mazie was the patient. That is why she has a fake bandaid on her wrist.)

Mazie at 7 months

I am so horrible this is really the only pictures I have of Mazie at this age. She is getting so cute though. Her hair is now starting to come in. Just like the other girls, a bunch of it fell out around I think 4 months and now it is starting to grow in a little thicker. However, her hair has a mind of its own. It always sticks strait up on top. I will comb it down after a bath and it is sticking strait up as soon as it dries. Almost static electricity looking. I'm not sure these pictures are showing it off the best, but trust me. It is pretty funny. Even a lady at airport security said to me, "I can tell she is going to be a stubborn one" and I think I looked at her a little confused and she said, "well it looks like her hair is pretty stubborn and goes where it wants too, I am sure her personality will follow." I laughed and was surprised that someone else had noticed too.

She has been doing the most adorable thing lately. She loves to give kisses. Rob used to hold her and have her facing him and ask for kisses by making kissing sounds. She would usually give a kiss by holding her mouth open and leaning in. But now when she is sitting on your lap facing outward, she will lean back and look up to see who is holding her and then try to give a kiss. It is really adorable.

Mazie at 6 months

I once again have not been good at taking pictures. This is about when she is 6 months. We got this Bumbo from Nicole and she really likes it. She is always chewing on something so I think her teeth are going to start coming through but they don't. We finally gave her solid food. Eliza has been begging me to do so for so long. I think because she is excited to help feed Mazie. So her and Libby helped me pick out some baby food. They picked peaches and peas and we bought some Rice cereal. I tried the rice cereal and was amazed at how well she ate it. On Liberty and Eliza's first feeding the pretty much just spit it all out it seemed, but Mazie did great eating it. She gobbled it right up and I thought actually got quite a bit of it down into her tummy. We have video of it that I hope to add to the blog later. We tried peas and bananas too and she like them as well.
On her 6 month appointment (which was a little late, was actually on Dec. 8th) her height was 27 inches, 17lb 12oz, and her head circumference was 45. I don't remember the percentiles, but she continues to be quite tall.
I put this picture in because can you believe the boogers on this girl? I'm not sure if you can see it but it is like booger glue closing off both these nostrils. She woke up in the morning this way. Poor girl. I swear she has had about a million colds since we moved to California. I would be worried in was allergies or something but each cold seems like it goes through a cycle. She gets stuffy, then a nasty cough, then chest congestion, then finally gets over it just for a new cold to start. I have asked the doctor about it a few times but he thinks it is just fine. Seems strange to me though. I thought Eliza would be sick often with going to school but she has probably been the healthiest.
Luckily, Mazie usually continues to be pretty happy. Her grumpy is like a normal baby's happy. So it hasn't been bad for me, I just feel bad for her and that poor little nose.

Sunday, January 16, 2011