Saturday, June 14, 2008
Liberty's Dr. Visit
Wednesday we took Liberty to the Dr.'s office for her 4 month check up. She seemed to be doing well. She is in about the 90th % for weight, 70th% for height, and 40th% in head circumference. Pretty much the same percentile's as last time we went. She continues to grow larger. And to all those who have called her the Michelin man, your thoughts were reinforced by the Dr. when she too said she looked like the Michelin man, without any prompts. Those rolls just give it away. She weighed just a few ounces under 17 lbs (I can't remember exactly and don't have the sheet in front of me).
After the well check up part we discussed her being sick the last couple of weeks. The Dr. was concerned about the wheezing in her chest. She asked if I had any history of asthma and I told her about Dad and Sarah. (I hope I didn't pass on Dad's bad asthma genes.) I really think it is just from her cold but she decided she wanted to put her on albuterol for a couple of days. She also had an ear infection and prescribed an antibiotic for her. I'm leary of too much antibiotics, but her reasoning seemed satisfactory.
So Liberty has been a trouper and has been pretty good at using the breathing mask for the albuterol. She does look so funny when she wears it though and couldn't help but show this picture. What a cutie!
Monday, June 9, 2008
Hiking Mill B
On Saturday we had the best bang for you buck hike. We only had about an hour and a half to hike. After trying unsuccessfully to get Eliza to go pee in the wild, we loaded up all the kids into their back pack carriers. Of course after about 2 minutes of walking someone had to go pee. It was me of course so I hurried and went in the bathroom that we were passing by. Then after about 5 minutes of hiking, Eliza decided she had to go to the bathroom. The cold air on her bum was making it a little difficult for her to go, but finally a success! She went pee in the wild for her very first time! The granola in me was rather proud. This meant she was on her way towards some backpacking trips.
After all these pit stops we were finally on our way. On the way up the trail, Rob spotted a "perfect" fishing hole. We decided to keep hiking and come back to it. The hike was beautiful, especially next to the roaring creek (Can a creek roar?). Well the water was really high anyways. We hiked for about a half hour and then headed back to the fishing hole. I (and I think Rob) were pretty doubtful there were going to be any fish, but still its always fun to cast in the line and Eliza was really excited about it. I sat down to feed Liberty and about a minute later got scared out of my wits when I heard Rob yell and a rattling sound. Out of the corner of my eye I thought there was a rattle snake, but it was just a fish slapping around on the rock. Eliza was a little scared as well. I think she thought we were catching a fish to take home and put in a fish bowl. She kept saying, "It a big fish." I would say, "No, its kind of a little fish." She'd say, "No, too big."
Rob thought it was definitely big enough and strapped it to Eliza's back pack carrier.
When we got home Rob immediately grilled it with some butter and garlic. Eliza loved it. After giving her a taste, she kept saying, "Daddy, go away!" She wanted it all to herself, in fact she even tried to eat the tail.
Friday, June 6, 2008
Makeup Artist
This morning we broke out the make-up kits that grandma and grandpa Stevenson gave us. Wow those girls sure know how to put make-up on. Maya even gave me some great eye make-up and Eliza gave me "movie star"arm and painted my nails. It was fun and entertained them for a couple hours. I was a little nervous how well it was all going to come off. But all it needed was a little soap and water. Thank goodness.
Liberty is a little sick today. She's been sick for a week or so but now has a fever. She has an apointment on Tuesday witht he doctor for her 4 month check up so I think I'm going to hold out. It always stresses me out when my kids are sick, especially when they are young because you just don't really know how sick they feel. I'm sure she'll be feeling better soon. Hopefully just a bad cold.
Thursday, June 5, 2008
Eliza's First Sleep Over
Last night Eliza had her first sleepover. It was with her cousins Andy and Maya. Since we live in their house right now it was rather convenient. Andy and Maya have been wanting to sleep in the little play area under the stairs for quite sometime now. So we invited them down. We got all the kids to fit with their sleeping bags. (Maya was not too excited about the crowd at first but soon was situated.) We had prayer, scriptures, read a book, and then I told a story about Princess Bubbacup, Mayarella, and Robin (aka Anderific). They thought it was pretty funny. Then they had 5 minutes to chat or play. After the 5 minutes thought Eliza still wanted to talk. Andy kept coming up stairs saying Eliza won't be quiet. The sleepover was about to end when finally with their last chance, Eliza stopped talking and they all went to sleep.
I was planning on having them wake up atleast once during the night, but all three slept like a lump on a log (is that even a saying?). Well however you say it, they slept great and it was a success!
Why a blog?
So forever everyone kept asking me if I had a blog. I would say no because I don't live far away from most of my family and so I don't think anyone would really like to look at it. Plus, with two little kids I feel like I can hardly find the time to do anything like this. But then one day (with my sister-in-laws help) I had a break-through. I kept thinking, "man, I need to be keeping a journal for both of my two little girls, I'm missing out on so many moments, and I need to write more often in my own journal." Then it hit me, with a blog I could actually be saving myself time. Instead of having to write in all three journals, I could just do a family journal (a.k.a. a blog). So here I am. My plan is to make a hard copy every year to keep in the family bookcase. I think my kids will really enjoy reading the stories about themselves and it might even be better than a journal because it will have pictures. And obviously a lot less time than scrapbooking. However, I am giving the warning now, that I am treating this like a journal and that there will be a lot of grammatical errors and rambling.
Here goes.....
Here goes.....
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