Wednesday we took Liberty to the Dr.'s office for her 4 month check up. She seemed to be doing well. She is in about the 90th % for weight, 70th% for height, and 40th% in head circumference. Pretty much the same percentile's as last time we went. She continues to grow larger. And to all those who have called her the Michelin man, your thoughts were reinforced by the Dr. when she too said she looked like the Michelin man, without any prompts. Those rolls just give it away. She weighed just a few ounces under 17 lbs (I can't remember exactly and don't have the sheet in front of me).
After the well check up part we discussed her being sick the last couple of weeks. The Dr. was concerned about the wheezing in her chest. She asked if I had any history of asthma and I told her about Dad and Sarah. (I hope I didn't pass on Dad's bad asthma genes.) I really think it is just from her cold but she decided she wanted to put her on albuterol for a couple of days. She also had an ear infection and prescribed an antibiotic for her. I'm leary of too much antibiotics, but her reasoning seemed satisfactory.
So Liberty has been a trouper and has been pretty good at using the breathing mask for the albuterol. She does look so funny when she wears it though and couldn't help but show this picture. What a cutie!