This year we decided to do our "Christmas Card" via email. If any did not receive it I thought I ought to put it on the blog and apologize that it did not get to you for some reason.
This year has been a rather crazy year. Here are some of the highlights.Rob worked hard through the spring juggling both work and school but finally graduated BYU with a JD/MBA and continued working for vSpring capital. After graduation we were very fortunate and were able to take a cruise to the Caribbean, just Rob and I as a 5th anniversary/graduation present. We moved from Provo and lived in the condos by the Gateway in Salt Lake City where we house sat and took care of some cats. It was fun to live in downtown and experience a little taste of the city life. Eliza loved living right next to the Gateway Children's Museum which we visited regularly.
At the end of the summer Rob and I took a trip down to Monterrey, Mexico and considered moving down there but soon after felt that it was not the time to make such a move and found a home in Millcreek. Mexico is always on our mind and we'll see what the future holds.
While living in our quaint home in Millcreek Liberty has decided she wants to be independent. She wants to do everything herself. Going potty in the toilet is one of them (Yeah!) and pouring her own milk is another (boo). She is a lover and a hater. She has pulled out many a child's hair, loves to ride on babies like they are horses, and will bring out the teeth if she must. (Fortunately I think she is starting to catch on that these things are not OK. At least this is what I tell myself to keep sane.) But she is also the most loving little girl. She loves to snuggle and give hugs. She always is saying hi to everyone at the grocery store and her smile can light up anyone's face. Just a couple of days ago we went and visited a rest home and she went around and shook every person's hand and said "hi" and "merry christmas". They all loved it.
Eliza started going to a preschool this year and when we moved to Millcreek started attending a preschool called "Grandma's Garden". It is the best school I could have ever asked for. Her teacher is great and she has just taken off on learning her letters. She thinks it is the coolest thing that she can write letters and everyday she surprises me with the things she has learned. But she also loves the television. Brady Bunches is her favorite show and when she misses it she's pretty disapointed. We are happy to report though that while delivering Christmas gifts to our neighbors this year she yelled out with delight, "This is better than watching T.V.!" She is an amazing little girl, an awesome big sister, and a great example to me.
Soon after the move to Millcreek we were happy to find out that our third child is on its way and due to arrive the end of May. Eliza and Rob are sure its a boy! We'll find out in January.
We feel so unbelievably grateful for the blessings that God has given us this year and we are most grateful for Heavenly Father's most precious blessing, his son. For without him there would be no atonement. We are grateful for this Christmas season where we are able to focus even more on this gift. Merry Christmas to you and your family!
Rob, Abby, Eliza, and Liberty McMillen